Sometimes I think water is not valued enough for dairy cattle because it seems to be “free” or costs little compared to other feedstuffs. And it all begins with calves
At the simplest level, the dairy herd is the production unit for milk. Individual cows produce the milk, but about a third of cows in a herd are replaced annually
By creating a new category of regulations, Canadian government officials once again circled the wagons to shelter their domestic dairy markets. While “bringing home” an estimated $150 million...
I place this class of Holstein aged cows C-B-A-D. Starting the class with C, a beautiful dairy cow that carries the best udder in the class. C has a definite advantage in overall dairyness from end to...
In the last 11 years, the world dairy market has been hit by three major downturns and had two milk price booms. In early 2017, the latest world milk price crisis came to an end
What will U.S. dairy farming be like in a half century? That was the focus of a topic I presented at the Tucker Endowed Lecture at Michigan State University this past March
“We will focus on the three R’s to grow U.S dairy export sales,” said Tom Vilsack about his new role as president and CEO of the U.S. Dairy Export Council